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Staffordshire University

College Road, Stoke on Trent , United King, ST4 2DE
+44 (0)1782 294000

Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.
Od 01.01.2015 odwiedzono tę wizytówkę 699 razy.
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Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
Our Facilities
How good are the facilities for the specific courses we are interested in?

All courses have facilities that are specific to their own area, so it is worth speaking to the tutors to find out more about these. However, there are lots of central facilities.

How big is the library?

There are two main libraries in Stoke and Stafford, plus dedicated law and health libraries and partnerships around the region. Specialist staff are available to give information technology advice and guidance.

The main libraries have 24-hour help desks and access to the library catalogue via the Internet.

  • A media lab with digital camera, video production and digital services.
  • Over 300,000 printed items and 2,000 current periodicals.
  • Open until 3am (Mon - Thurs and Sunday) in term time.
How good are the computing facilities and how easy is it to find a free computer?

Staffordshire University has one of the best ratios of computers to students you will find. Information Services manage 1,150 computers in student learning areas (eg the libraries and IT labs).

The academic Schools also have their own equipment, with specialist packages to suit their needs. Students can also sign up for a residential network, which allows them to connect to the University services through their own computer in University managed accommodation.

Are there any sporting facilities?

Staffordshire University has a strong sporting reputation, and over the years we have seen many of our graduates compete at the Olympics - John Mayock, Keri Maddox and Borsum Ato.

The Students' Union and University staff, work hard to achieve a sporting culture that promotes the elite without excluding those pursuing a hobby. This means that our facilities are extensive, including:

  • a L1.4 million sports hall in Stafford, opened in 2000
  • Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre in Stoke
  • indoor climbing, activities rooms, squash courts, tennis courts, fitness suites etc
    indoor and outdoor (all weather, floodlit) pitches
  • athletics training track
  • close links with nearby Northwood Stadium

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